For a Pre-history and Post-history of the Corpus Leidense. With a List of the Manuscripts of De natura deorum

Author: Malaspina, Ermanno, & Bailo, Anna
Title: For a Pre-history and Post-history of the Corpus Leidense. With a List of the Manuscripts of De natura deorum
Review/Collection: "Lexis", 40, 2
Editor: Edizioni Ca' Foscari
Year edition: 2022
Pages: 467-526
Keywords: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Philologie - Filologia - Philology, Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy
Description: Abstract The present article examines the Corpus Leidense, the group of eight Ciceronian treatises among which the De natura deorum was also transmitted, focusing on its archetype. The second and longer section contains the first complete list of the 174 identified manuscripts of De natura deorum, with 57 new items added to the 117 already listed by Pease in 1955. The items have been divided into three groups: the first contains the antiquiores, with minimal information; the second contains the remaining witnesses listed by Pease, on which additional data are reported; the third group presents the manuscripts that do not appear in any previous list. Keywords Cicero. Corpus Leidense. De natura deorum. Recensio. Manuscripts. Otto Plasberg. Summary 1 Introduction. – 2 The Corpus Leidense. – 3 The recentiores. – 3.1 Group 1 (13) – 3.2 Group 2 (104) – 3.3 Group 3 (57) – 4 Some Notes on the Arrangement of Book 2 in the Recentiores. The following list is the outcome of a complete overhaul of the last available ones, produced by A.S. Pease over 60 years ago.33 Therefore, to limit the length of an already cumbersome paper, any piece of information already known is not  reported here in a complete way, while new items will receive more attention. To facilitate use, the data have been divided into three groups: the first contains the antiquiores already present with their sigla in Ax 1933: of these, VBAFPMHDNTGOK, only the stemmatic position and bibliography are offered. The second contains the remaining witnesses listed by Pease, on which additional information is reported. The third group presents the manuscripts that do not appear in any previous list for nat. deor.: as we have already said, it has been possible to find 57 items unknown to Pease. We also report any siglum used by the editors of other treatises and restrict the codicological description in favour of stemmatic information, if available for nat. deor. or for other Ciceronian texts, even if outside the CL.
Author initials: Malaspina-Bailo 2022