Traduire Cicéron au XVe siècle – Le Livre des offices d’Anjourrant Bourré: Édition critique

Auteur: Delsaux, Olivier
Titre: Traduire Cicéron au XVe siècle – Le Livre des offices d’Anjourrant Bourré: Édition critique
Revue/Collection: Volume 1 in the series CICERO
Lieu èdition: Berlin, Boston
Éditeur: De Gruyter
Annèe edition: 2019
Pages: 441
Mots-clès: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Philologie - Filologia - Philology, Traduction - Traduzione - Translation
Description: This book provides the first critical edition of the first French translation of Cicero's De officiis. Anjourrant Bourré's Livre des offices offers a new perspective on the reception of Cicero's moral and political thougth in late medieval and early Renaissance France. The critical edition, based upon all surviving testimonies, provides, besides the edited text, a study of the textual transmission, an analysis of the linguistic aspects as well as of the translation process, a glossary, explicative notes and an index.This book provides the first critical edition of the first French translation of Cicero's De officiis. Anjourrant Bourré's Livre des offices offers a new perspective on the reception of Cicero's moral and political thougth in late medieval and early Renaissance France. [editor].
Sigle auteur: Delsaux 2019