Cicero and Séneca : on passions and vices – ЦИЦЕРОН И СЕНЕКА О СТРАСТЯХ И ПОРОКАХ

Auteur: Demina, S.S.
Titre: Cicero and Séneca : on passions and vices – ЦИЦЕРОН И СЕНЕКА О СТРАСТЯХ И ПОРОКАХ
Revue/Collection: Skole, 17,2
Annèe edition: 2023
Pages: 736-747
Mots-clès: Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy
Description: This article investigates Cicero’s and Seneca’s thoughts about passions and vices (their definitions, origins of emotions and vices, correlation of these concepts, and their correlation with a concept “illness”). Though the Stoics greatly influenced Cicero, and Seneca was a staunch adherent of Stoicism, their thoughts about passions and vices have more distinctions than similarities. The positions of these philosophers on the problems of the variability of vices, their origins and the relationship with the passions, the correlation of the terms “vitia” and “morbi”/”animi morbi” are contrary [Author] Text in russian
Sigle auteur: Demina 2023